headline mata hatiku

18 August 2009

Q+A-Indonesia's corruption agency under fire?

JAKARTA, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Indonesia's anti-corruption agency, which has been at the forefront of the country's fight against endemic graft, appears to be coming under increasing attack from other law enforcement agencies.

The agency, known by its Indonesian acronym KPK, has investigated scores of officials from the central bank, attorney-general's office, parliament, ministries, customs department and private sector, many of whom were subsequently jailed, and has made plenty of enemies as a result of its work.

Here are some questions and answers about the KPK:


In recent weeks, the police have privately hinted to reporters that they are planning to detain one or more senior officials from the KPK, citing their inappropriate use of wire-taps and instances of corruption.

The police have been informing members of the media which officials they plan to detain for questioning. Some anti-corruption analysts said this is intended to undermine the KPK and its investigations.


There's not much love lost between the two.

The KPK is pretty widely respected by the public because of its successes in investigating corrupt officials in a country that regularly ranks among the most corrupt in the world.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono wants to stamp out corruption in order to attract much-needed foreign investment, and the KPK's work almost certainly helped his re-election last month.

The police, by contrast, have a reputation for being one of the most corrupt public institutions, albeit in a crowded field.

Local media reported recently that the KPK had tapped several telephones as part of an investigation into a local bank, and that one of the telephone calls recorded was of a very senior police officer demanding a large bribe from a bank official in exchange for dropping the case.

The police officer concerned denied the allegations, according to an Indonesian magazine.


Former KPK officials said another reason why the police appear keen to go after the KPK is connected to a high-profile murder investigation.

Antasari Azhar, the head of the KPK, was detained by police in May as a suspect in a murder investigation, which allegedly involved a love triangle between Azhar, a director of a state-owned company, and a golf caddy.

Azhar has not been formally charged but remains in detention. Some officials said Azhar has given information to the police about possible corruption within the KPK, which could potentially undermine the KPK. Neither Azhar or his lawyers could immediately be reached for comment.


KPK officials said they are innocent and that they will continue their investigations.

If Azhar is formally charged as a murder suspect, his post as head of the KPK will be advertised.

Anti-corruption activists are concerned about parliament's delays in passing legislation to extend the lifespan of the Corruption Court, which tries the cases prepared by the KPK and uses three ad hoc, or outside, judges out of the total of five on the panel.

In a country where the judiciary itself is rated among the most corrupt institutions, these outsiders are considered more independent.

President Yudhoyono has said that he will issue a government regulation in lieu of law to extend the court's life if parliament does not pass the legislation by the end of this year.

Without the corruption court, which has had a 100 percent success rate, the KPK will become toothless.

However, last month, vice president-designate Boediono said that the KPK would continue to play a key role in the government's fight against graft.


catatan yang tersisa

untuk yang ke-sekian kali. 17 agustus berlalu. untuk ke-sekian kali pula, banyak catatan-catatan yang tercecer di bilik belakang politik nkri. bukan catatan penting (mungkin) bagi para pembesar. sebab catatan tersebut jika dibaca dan dicermati akan menyesakkan dada. bahkan akan membuat ciut nyali untuk melanjutkan cengkeraman kekuasaan.

masih saja. hasil-hasil positif yang selalu terpampang dalam pidato pera pembesar negeri ini. tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang plus-plus. angka kemiskinan yang jauh menurun. tingkat serapan tenaga kerja yang luar biasa, sehingga angkatan kerja produktif sangat buee...sar terserap di lapangan kerja. sampai-sampai... lagu indonesia raya-pun lupa untuk dinyanyikan. sebab mereka semua (para pembesar dan cecunguknya) sibuk merangkai dan menciptakan angka-angka yang bombastis.

semata-mata untuk mengkamuflasekan tindakan-tindakan mereka yang tak terpuji. sebab saraf malu mereka telah putus. diganti dan disambungkan oleh nafsu angkara, ketamakan dan kelicikan. rakyat jadi komoditas yang dapat diperjualbelikan. penderitaan di sulap jadi saham yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi. mau bukti? coba tengok korban lapindo. seolah negara tak berdaya menghadapi sekelompok kecil mafia yang telah mengkonglomerasi dalam tubuh pemerintahan.

semua angkat tangan. namun tak ada yang angkat kaki. sebab sepuluh tahun lagi, tanah tersebut akan menjadi milik sekelompok mafia itu. tanah dibeli murah dengan uang rakyat atas dalih 'musibah'. bahkan ada yang gratisan, dengan alasan tidak ada bukti kepemilikan tanah. cukup praktis. dak tak perlu negosiasi yang berbelit.

rakyat memang diciptakan untuk berdiri di barisan paling belakang. yang selalu ketinggalan hidangan, saat diselenggarakan kenduri nasional. sebab para wakilnya terlebih dahulu telah mencicipi dan menghabiskannya.

kemudia aku masih saja tercenung. apatah 17 agustus tahun depan masih saja demikian...


missing in 'top seo'

sedikit sedih sih.

untuk yang ke-dua kali, blogku lenyap di top seo. kata para sohib yang pernah senasib, di blacklist mas gugel kayaknya. mungkin kontennya rada nylekit. sehingga ada yang tersinggung. lalu langsung report. tapi untungnya, bukan blogku yang di 'del'.

tapi... nggak apa-apalah. wong cuma gitu saja kok. biar ada pengalaman. so, pengalaman itu kan harganya (kadang amat) mahal. paling tidak ada cerita, bahwa kalau nulis hati-hatilah. namanya saja gratisan. wong yang beli saja bisa di 'del'. he...7x.

yang pasti. di hari yang berbahagia ini, saya ucapkan permohonan maaf yang sebesar-besarnya bagi semua saja. semoga masuk bulan ramadlan nanti. kita dapat masuki dengan niatan dan hati yang suci. sehingga amalan yang kita lakukan di bulan yang penuh rahmat tersebut, dapat diterima oleh Alloh Azza wa Jalla.

permohonan maaf terutama kusampaikan pada para sahabat, saudara dan pengunjung blog yang banyak aku lukai dengan kata-kata atau tulisanku. begitu juga bagi mereka yang hutangnya belum dapat saya lunasi. mohon doakan agar usaha saya lancar, sehingga secepatnya dapat kututup semua hutang yang tertanggung. sebab siapa sih yang pingin punya hutang dalam hidupnya. (maaf, melas banget ya...) tapi memang demikianlah adanya.

tidak lupa untuk ibuku yang luar biasa. uminya anak-anak yang luar biasa juga. serta anak-anakku yang tidak kalah luar biasanya. saya selalu mencintai kalian semuanya.


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